Home value adding calculator

Possible Increase In Value
Estimated Profit

This calculator is to be used as a helpful guidance tool only. The calculator has no legal basis, and PJG Financial Limited (trading as UP Money) accepts no liability for pricing estimates and value increases displayed.

There are so many variables to consider when calculating the cost of renovating your home.

The size of your house, your location, the time of year and many more factors could reduce or increase the costs involved. Using several reputable online sources, we've put together an easy to use home renovation cost calculator that can give you a rough estimate on how much you'll be for your home improvements. The most common home renovations in the UK are the kitchen and the bathroom.

The average home value in the UK is £249,663, we've provided some estimates below for the average home:

Kitchen renovation costs

Budget: £7,000
Standard: £8,000
Luxury: £12,000

Bathroom renovation costs

Budget: £4,000
Standard: £7,000
Luxury: £10,000

The highest profit generating renovations were home extensions and loft conversions:

Garage conversion profit

Budget: £19,963
Standard: £30.945
Luxury: £41,927

Loft conversion profit

Budget: £9,963
Standard: £17,445
Luxury: £9,927

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